MP SI Syllabus 2025
The Ministry of Home Affairs, Madhya Pradesh has announced the latest notice regarding the amendments in MP SI recruitment process. The official notification for MP Police Sub Inspector Recruitment 2025 is expected to be released soon for 700+ vacancies across technical and non technical cadres.
According to the latest notification, the selection of candidates for the positions of Sub Inspector in Madhya Pradesh Police will be done through four stages including Prelims, Mains, Physics Test and Personal Interview.
MP Police SI Syllabus 2025
The recruitment authority has unveiled the revised MP Police SI Syllabus 2025 along with exam pattern for aspirants. Those who wish to prepare for this prestigious examination must carefully review the comprehensive syllabus and exam format.
The prelims test is qualifying in nature worth 100 marks with no negative marking. While, Mains exam will have two papers each carrying 300 marks with a negative marking for wrong answer.
Those who passed the mains examination will be called for Physics Test on the ratio of 1:3 to the number of vacancies. The PET test aims to assess their physical abilities based on various parameters. The physical test worth 100 marks. Successful candidates in Physics Test will have to appear for Personal Interview which carries 50 marks.
The merit list will be prepared by combining the score of all the three stages having a total of 750 marks.
MP Police SI Syllabus 2025 PDF
To prepare effectively for the upcoming MP SI Exam 2025, candidates must thoroughly understand the syllabus and exam pattern. The MP Police SI Syllabus covers a variety of topics from different subjects to evaluate the candidate’s knowledge and suitability for the job role. Click on the direct link shared here to access the Madhya Pradesh Police SI Syllabus 2025 in PDF format.
MP SI Syllabus 2025 PDF
MP SI Syllabus 2025 Topic-Wise
The topic-wise breakdown of MP SI Syllabus 2025 are given below:
- Hindi Reading Comprehension
- English Reading Comprehension
- Analytical Ability
- History
- Geography
- Science
- Civics
- Basic Computer Knowledge
- Reasoning
- Current Affairs
MP SI Mains Syllabus
The MP Police SI Mains exam consists of two papers with a total of 600 marks. Check out the topic-wise syllabus for both papers below:
Paper I – General Studies (300 Marks)
Part A History and Indian Society (150 Marks)
(i) Indian History Harappan Civilization, Mauryan Empire, Gupta Empire, Harshavardhana, Descriptions of social life in the sub-continent as given by travellers from 11th to 14th century, Bhakti-Sufi traditions, Vijayanagara Empire, Mughal Empire. East India Company and Colonialism in India, Revolt of 1857, Colonial Urbanization and Town Planning, Mahatma Gandhi and National Movement, Framing of the Constitution.
(ii) Consolidation and reorganization within the country after independence.
(iii) Salient features of Indian society, Diversity of India.
(iv) Demography of India and Madhya Pradesh, Tribes of Madhya Pradesh.
(v) Role of women and women’s organization, Population and Sambhra issues, Poverty and developmental issues, Urbanization, their problems and their remedies.
(vi) Impact of globalization on Indian society.
Part B Governance, Constitution and Polity, Social Justice and Legislations (150 Marks)
(i) Indian Constitution-historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments, significant provisions and basic structure.
(ii) Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States. Issues and challenges relating to the federal structure, devolution of powers and finances to the local level and challenges therein.
(iii) Separation of powers among various organs. Dispute redressal mechanisms and institutions.
(iv) Parliament and State Legislatures-structure, functioning, conduct of business, powers and privileges and issues arising out of these.
(v) Structure, organisation and functioning of the executive and the judiciary. Ministries and departments of the government, pressure groups and formal/informal associations and their role in politics.
(vi) Welfare schemes for the weaker sections of the population by the Centre and the States and the performance of these schemes, mechanisms, laws, institutions and bodies created for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.
(vii) Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
Paper II – General Studies (300 Marks)
Part A – Current Affairs, Technology, Economic Development, Environment and Internal Security (150 Marks)
(i) Current Affairs.
(ii) Science and Technology development and applications and its impact on everyday life.
(iii) Awareness on issues related to Information Technology, Space, Computers, Robotics, Nano-technology, Biotechnology, Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property Rights.
(iv) Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, environmental impact assessment.
(v) Indian Economy and issues related to planning, resource mobilization, growth, development and employment.
(vi) New technologies such as Information and Communication Technology, Remote Sensing, Space GIS, GPS, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, their applications in the field of policing, transport, spatial planning, home and sports etc.
(vii) Conventional and non-conventional and renewable energy.
(viii) Role of Police Services in Democracy.
(ix) Relationship between development and extremism.
(x) Role of external state and non-state actors in creating internal security challenges.
(xi) Challenges to internal security through communication networks, role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, basics of cyber security, money laundering and its prevention.
(xii) External and internal security issues.
(xiii) Link between organised crime and terrorism.
Part B – Reasoning and Data Interpretation
(i) Base numeracy and statistics (numbers and their relationships), probability.
(ii) Management and interpretation of data (charts, graphs, tables, statistics, sufficiency, etc.) Mean, median, mode and standard deviation.
(iii) Ratio and Proportion, Unit Method.
(iv) Profit and loss, percentage, discount, simple and compound interest.
(v) Mensuration, area, perimeter, volume.
(vi) Reasoning power, analytical ability and problem solving.
MP Police SI Exam Pattern 2025
The MP Police SI Exam Pattern 2025 is divided into two phases i.e. Prelims and Mains. Candidates must be aware of the structure of the question paper to prepare in an effective manner.
MP SI Prelims Exam Pattern 2025
- A total of 100 objective based questions will be asked.
- Each question carries one mark.
- No negative marking for incorrect answers.
- The time duration will be 2 hours.
- The preliminary exam is only qualifying in nature.
MP SI Exam Pattern for Prelims |
Subjects |
Number of Questions |
Total Marks |
Duration |
Hindi, English, Analytical Ability, History, Geography, Science, Civics, Basic Computer Knowledge, Reasoning, Current Affairs |
100 |
100 |
2 hours |
MP SI Mains Exam Pattern 2025
- The Mains exam includes Paper 1 and Paper 2 each worth 300 marks.
- The time duration for both papers will be 3 hours.
- There will be a negative marking for wrong answer.
MP SI Exam Pattern for Mains |
Papers |
Marks |
Duration |
Non Technical |
300 |
2 hours |
Technical |
300 |
2 hours |
MP SI Physical Test Requirements 2025
Candidates who passed the Paper 1 & Paper 2 in Mains stages will have to appear for Physical Test. The shortlisting for Physics Test will be made in the ratio of 1:3 to the number of vacancies.
The Physical Test for MP Police SI worth 100 marks involves three tasks i.e. run, long jump and shot put with specific weightage as under:
Events |
Marks |
800 metre run |
40 marks |
Long Jump |
30 marks |
Shot Put |
30 marks |
MP SI Interview Pattern 2025
Candidates who clear the physical test will be shortlisted for Personal Interview to assess their communication skills and suitability to meet the roles and responsibilities for the position of Sub Inspector. The interview covers a weightage of 50 marks.
MP SI Syllabus 2025 FAQs
Q. When will the MP Police SI Notification 2025 out?
Ans. The MP Police SI Notification 2025 PDF is expected to be made public shortly.
Q. How many vacancies are there in MPPSC Police SI Recruitment 2025?
Ans. Expected 700 vacancies will be released for MP Police SI Recruitment 2025 across various categories.
Q. Is there a negative marking in MP Police SI Exam 2025?
Ans. There will be a negative marking for Mains phase in the mains examination for MP Police SI.
Q. Will there be an interview for MP Police SI?
Ans. Yes, there will an interview for MP Police SI to assess interpersonal skills if individuals for the role. The interview covers a weightage of 50 marks.
Q. What is the minimum qualification for MP Police SI?
Ans. Candidates must have passed Graduation degree from s recognized University or Institute to be eligible for MP Police SI role.