Integral Coach Factory, Chennaiadvertised the latest ICF Notification 2023 for the recruitment of ITI Trade Apprentices to fill up 782 vacancies. As per the ICF Chennai Recruitment 2023 Notification, the online registration for 782 Apprentices ends on 30th June 2023. The selection of candidates for ICF Chennai Apprentice Recruitment will be done on a merit basis. You can check all the details related to ICF Chennai Recruitment 2023 in this article.
Integral Coach Factory Recruitment 2023
The Integral Coach Factory Recruitment 2023 for 782 vacancies has been announced under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961. The online applications for ICF Recruitment 2023 opens up to 30 June 2023. This article consolidates the complete information regarding recruitment 2023 for the ease of applicants.
ICF Apprentice Recruitment 2023
Integral Coach Factory, Chennai is looking to fill up 782 Trade Apprentice posts through ICF Apprentice Recruitment 2023. The applications from desirous candidates who completed 10th Class & ITI will be accepted by 30 June 2023. Check the full information on ICF Chennai Apprentice Recruitment in this post.
ICF Recruitment 2023
The Integral Coach Factory published the ICF Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF on its official website for recruiting Trade Apprentices positions. The complete information of ICF Recruitment 2023 such as notification pdf, important dates, important links, vacancy, eligibility, selection process, etc. are tabulated below.
ICF Chennai Recruitment 2023 (Advt. No. APP/01/2023-24)
ICF Recruitment 2023 Important Dates
ICF Chennai Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Starts
31st May 2023
ICF Chennai Recruitment 2023Last Date toApply Online
Candidates must passed 10th Class under 10+2 scheme with ITI in the respective trades
Age Limit(as on 30/06/2023)
Minimum Age Limit: 15 Years Upper Age Limit: 24 Years Age Relaxation: 3 years for OBC, 5 years for SC/ST, and 10 years for PwBD Candidates
ICF ChennaiRecruitment 2023 Selection Process
ICF Chennai Trade Apprentice
Merit Based
ICF Chennai Recruitment 2023: FAQs
Q. How many vacancies are announced under ICF Chennai Recruitment 2023?
Ans. 782 vacancies are released under ICF Chennai Recruitment 2023.
Q. How can I download the ICF Recruitment 2023 Notification?
Ans. The direct link to download the ICF Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF is given in the article.
Q. What is the last date to apply for ICF Recruitment 2023?
Ans. The online application for ICF Recruitment will last on 30th June 2023.
Q. Is ICF is a government company?
Ans. Integral Coach Factory (ICF) is a manufacturer of rail coaches located in Perambur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India founded in 1955 and is owned and operated by the Indian Railways.
मध्य प्रदेश कर्मचारी चयन बोर्ड कुल 3555 रिक्तियों के लिए 15 मार्च से 26 अप्रैल 2023 तक आयोजित परीक्षा के लिए MPPEB पटवारी रिजल्ट 2023 घोषित हो गया है। MPPEB Group 2 Sub Group 4 Exam में शामिल होने वाले उम्मीदवार इस लेख में साझा किए गए सीधे लिंक के माध्यम से अपना परिणाम देख सकेंगे।
एमपी पटवारी परीक्षा परिणाम 2023
MP पटवारी परिणाम MPESB द्वारा अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर घोषित दिए गए है। एमपीपीईबी पटवारी परीक्षा 2023 में भाग लेने वाले उम्मीदवार अब MP पटवारी परिणाम चेक कर सकते हैं|
MP व्यापम पटवारी परिणाम 2023
बोर्ड एमपी व्यापम पटवारी रिजल्ट 2023 को अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट यानी या पर अपलोड करेगा। उम्मीदवार नीचे एमपी ईएसबी पटवारी परिणाम से संबंधित महत्वपूर्ण विवरण देख सकते हैं:
3555 पदों के लिए मध्य प्रदेश पटवारी परिणाम 2023 MPPEB की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध हैं। जिन उम्मीदवारों ने 15 मार्च से 26 अप्रैल के बीच एमपीईएसबी द्वारा आयोजित एमपी पटवारी लिखित परीक्षा दी है, उन्हें नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करके अपना परिणाम चेक कर सकते हैं| MPPEB पटवारी रिजल्ट डाउनलोड लिंक लाइव हैं|
एमपी पटवारी रिजल्ट 2023 को डाउनलोड करने के चरण नीचे दिए गए हैं:
एमपीपीईबी की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट यानी या पर जाएं।
रिजल्ट सेक्शन में जाएं।
एमपी ग्रुप 2 सब ग्रुप 4 पटवारी और अन्य पोस्ट रिजल्ट लिंक पर क्लिक करें।
अपना रोल नंबर, जन्म तिथि और टीएसी कोड (प्रवेश पत्र पर उल्लिखित) दर्ज करें।
स्क्रीन पर अपने एमपी पटवारी स्कोर कार्ड 2023 डिस्प्ले की जांच करें।
एमपीपीईबी पटवारी परिणाम 2023 पीडीएफ डाउनलोड करें।
एमपी पटवारी कट ऑफ 2023
बोर्ड अपनी आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर परिणाम की घोषणा के साथ एमपी पटवारी कटऑफ 2023 जारी करेगा। एमपीपीईबी पुरुष और महिला उम्मीदवारों के लिए अलग-अलग सभी पदों के लिए श्रेणीवार कट ऑफ अंक घोषित करेगा। जिन उम्मीदवारों के अंक जारी कटऑफ से ऊपर होंगे उन्हें दस्तावेज सत्यापन के लिए बुलाया जाएगा। एमपी पटवारी कट ऑफ 2023 रिलीज के साथ अपडेट किया जाएगा। एमपी व्यापम रिजल्ट 2023 के बारे में अधिक जानने के लिए उम्मीदवारों को हमारे साथ बने रहना चाहिए।
एमपी पटवारी परिणाम 2023: FAQs
Q. MPPEB पटवारी रिजल्ट 2023 कब जारी किया जाएगा?
उत्तर. एमपीपीईबी पटवारी परिणाम 2023 कर दिया गया है।
Q. एमपी पटवारी परीक्षा 2023 कब आयोजित की गई थी?
उत्तर. MPPEB पटवारी परीक्षा 15 मार्च से 26 अप्रैल 2023 के बीच आयोजित की गई थी।
Q. एमपी पटवारी उत्तर कुंजी 2023 कब जारी की गई थी?
उत्तर. MP पटवारी उत्तर कुंजी MPPEB द्वारा 28 अप्रैल 2023 को जारी की गई थी।
Q. एमपी पटवारी रिजल्ट 2023 कैसे चेककरें?
उत्तर. ऊपर उपलब्ध एमपी पटवारी परिणाम 2023 लिंक पर क्लिक करें।
Q. एमपी पटवारी लिखित परिणाम 2023 की घोषणा के बाद अगला चरण क्या है?
उत्तर. परिणाम जारी होने के बाद, चयनित अभ्यर्थियों को दस्तावेज सत्यापन के लिए बुलाया जाएगा|
Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB) has released the MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 for 2112 vacancies of Forest Guard, Field Guard, and Jail Prahari (Jail Warder) on 22nd June 2023 at
MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 Out
The candidates who have taken the MPPEB Forest Guard Exam 2023 which was held between 25th May 2023 to 20th June 2023 can calculate their tentative score now with the help of the response sheet. MPPEB has uploaded the MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 on its official portal.
MP Jail Prahari Answer Key 2023
Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board conducted the single Computer Based Examination MP Jail Prahari, Forest Guard & Field Guard from 25 May to 20 June 2023. The aspirants who appeared in the MP Jail Prahari Exam are looking for the answer key.
On 22nd June 2023, MPPEB released the MP Jail Prahari Answer Key 2023 for 2112 posts on This article contains the direct download link for MP Jail Prahari Answer Key.
MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 Details
MP Vyapam Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 is released by the Professional Examination Board on 22 June 2023. Candidates must look at the below table for more details on MP Forest Guard Response Sheet in a summarized manner:
Conducting Body
Madhya Pradesh Employees Selection Board (MPESB)
Name of Posts
Forest Guard, Field Guard, Jail Prahari (Jail Warder)
On 22nd June 2023, Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board announced the MPPEB Forest Guard Answer Key officially. The MPPEB Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 Sarkari Result is now available for download on its official website.
The candidates who have participated in the MPPEB Forest Guard Exam which ended on 20th June 2023 are waiting for the answer key. Read the article to get all details on MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023.
MP Forest Guard Answer Key PDF has been uploaded on the official website of the examination authority The candidates can download their MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 PDF by clicking on the direct link provided here. Candidates need to provide their Roll Number and Password (TAC Code) to open the MPPEB Forest Guard Answer Key PDF.
The Board activated the MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 Objection Link on its official website. Through MPPEB Forest Guard Objection Raise Link, candidates can raise the challenge or objections against the provisional answer key. This facility can be availed only if candidates found any mistake in the answer provided by the MPPEB.
The candidates will be able to raise objections by paying a certain amount per question. Then the board will review the objections and will declare the final answer key. The direct link for MP Forest Guard Objection Raise Link is given below.
The students can estimate their score through the MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023. The MPPEB Answer Key PDF indicates the correct and wrong answers marked by candidates. The aspirants can calculate their scores with the help of the MP Forest Guard Response Sheet PDF.
The MP Forest Guard Result Date will be declared soon by the MPPEB on its official website. Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board will soon release the MP Forest Guard Result 2023 once the examination gets over. We have shared a direct link to check the MP Forest Guard Merit List PDF below.
MP Forest Guard Result 2023 (Released Soon)
MP Forest Guard Cut Off 2023
The Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board will declare the category-wise cut off marks for 2112 Forest Guard, Field Guard and Jail Prahari on its official website. The aspirants who have attempted the MPPEB Forest Guard Exam will be able to check the MP Forest Guard Cut Off 2023 using the direct link given here.
Ans. Yes, MP Board Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 is out on 22nd June 2023.
Q. How to download the MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 PDF?
Ans. Follow the direct link given in this article to download the MP Forest Guard Answer Key 2023 PDF.
Q. When will MP Forest Guard Result 2023 declare?
Ans. MPPEB will soon announce the MP Forest Guard Result 2023 on its official website.
Q. What is the MP Forest Guard Salary 2023?
Ans. MP Forest Guard will entitle to a salary of Rs. 19500- 62000/- per month.
Q. What are the passing marks for MP Forest Guard Exam 2023?
Ans. Candidates from unreserved category need to score 33% marks to qualify the exam and for reserved categories i.e. SC/ST/OBC the passing marks is 23%.
The Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs Govt. of India advertised the IB JIO Notification 2023 for 797 posts of Junior Intelligence Officers (Technical) Grade II. According to the official IB JIO Recruitment 2023 PDF, the apply online for Junior Intelligence Officer Vacancy begins on 03rd June 2023 and the last date to apply is 23rd June 2023. Candidates must read this post to know the detailed information on IB JIO Recruitment 2023.
Intelligence Bureau Recruitment 2023
Intelligence Bureau notified 797 Junior Intelligence Officers posts on 30th May 2023. Candidates having a Diploma/BCA/Graduation/Higher Qualification in the required stream can fill out their online form for Intelligence Bureau Recruitment 2023. The selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in the written test, trade test, and interview. The selected candidates will entitle to a salary of Level – 04.
IB JIO Recruitment 2023
MHA IB Recruitment 2023
Ministry of Home Affairs announced the MHA IB Recruitment 2023 for 797 JIO II/Tech Officers. Interested applicants will be able to apply from 03rd June 2023. We have mentioned all the important information related to MHA IB JIO Recruitment 2023 in this post.
IB Junior Intelligence Officer Vacancy 2023
The Intelligence Bureau under the Ministry of Home Affairs notified 797 vacancies for Junior Intelligence Officers on The online application link for IB JIO Recruitment will be active till 23 June 2023. The aspirants should check the complete details of the IB Intelligence Officer Vacancy 2023 below.
IB JIO Recruitment 2023 Overview
Ministry of Home Affairs is conducting a recruitment drive for select Junior Intelligence Officers on 797 positions. The IB JIO Apply Online started on 03rd June 2023. Check the important highlights of IB JIO Recruitment 2023 provided below:
Intelligence Bureau under Ministry of Home Affairs published the IB Recruitment 2023 PDF for Junior Intelligence Officers for filling 797 vacancies. The IB JIO Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF includes the details such as important dates, educational qualification, age limit, salary, selection process, exam pattern, and others. Candidates can download the IB JIO Notification 2023 PDF by clicking on the direct link shown here.
The Intelligence Bureau announced 797 JIO (Junior Intelligence Officers) vacancies through IB Recruitment 2023. The category-wise IB JIO Vacancy 2023 details are mentioned here:
Name of Category
Vacancy Count
IB JIO Recruitment 2023 Last Date
The Intelligence Bureau is inviting online applications from eligible applicants for 797 Junior Intelligence Officers Grade – II (Technical). The online application link for IB JIO Recruitment is live now on its official website. The last date to apply for IB JIO is 23rd June 2023. The direct apply online link for IB JIO Recruitment is given here.
The application fee details for IB JIO Recruitment 2023 are given below:
Name of Category
Application Fees
UR, OBC, and EWS
Rs. 500/-
Other Candidates
Rs. 450/-
Steps to Apply Online for IB Recruitment 2023
To apply for IB JIO Recruitment 2023, the important steps to follow are given below:
Visit the Intelligence Bureau’s Official Website
Navigate the IB JIO Application Form Page.
Read all the instructions carefully mentioned on this page.
Click on the Manual of Application Form option.
You will redirect a manual of the application form instructions and procedure.
Go for Registration by giving Personal & Contact details. Login Id and password will be sent to you through E-Mail on your registered E-Mail ID.
Login with the required credentials sent on your mobile number and Email.
Fill out the Personal Details, Qualification Details, Upload photo & signature and submit examination fees (online).
Submit the IB JIO Online Form now after verifying all the mentioned details.
Take a printout of the IB JIO Application Form PDF.
IB JIO Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria
The IB JIO Eligibility Criteria is the minimum requirement to register for IB Recruitment 2023 for JIO. The eligibility criteria includes the parameters i.e. educational qualification, age limit, etc. For better understanding of aspirants, we have discussed the IB JIO Eligibility Criteria here:
IB JIO Recruitment 2023 Nationality
The applicants should be Indian National to apply for IB JIO Recruitment 2023.
IB JIO Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification
Name of Post
Educational Qualification
Junior Intelligence Officer – II/Tech
Diploma in ECE/ EEE/ IT/ CS Engg. OR B.Sc. OR Graduate Degree in Computer Applications (BCA)
IB JIO Recruitment 2023 Age Limit
The recruitment authority has released the age limit details for IB JIO-II/Tech post through the official notification release. As per the IB JIO Notification 2023, the age limit of candidates should be 18 to 27 Years as on the 23rd June 2023.
IB JIO Selection Process 2023
The recruitment organization (IB) will conduct some specific stages to shortlist the candidates as JIO-II/Tech. The IB JIO Selection Process comprises the stages as follows:
Written Exam (for 100 Marks)
Skill Test (for 30 Marks)
Interview/Personality Test (for 20 Marks)
Document/Certificate Verification
Medical Examination (as per MHA Standards)
IB JIO Salary 2023
The aspirants selected for the post of Junior Intelligence Officer under IB Recruitment 2023 will entitle to the salary of Pay Matrix ₹ 25,500-81,100/- of Level – 04 according to the 7th Pay Commission. Apart from the prescribed salary, IB JIO Salary includes perks and allowances i.e. Special Security Allowance, TA, DA, HRA, Medical Allowance, Leave Encashment, etc.
IB JIO Exam Pattern 2023
Candidates who are interested to apply for IB JIO Vacancy 2023 must understand the IB JIO Exam Pattern 2023 to know the examination well. The IB JIO Exam Pattern 2023 as per the official notification is prescribed below:
Total Marks Allotted
Time Duration
General Mental Ability
2 Hours
Subjects as per Specific Qualification
Note: There will be a Negative marking of ¼ mark for each wrong answer.
IB JIO Syllabus 2023
The Intelligence Bureau has declared the IB JIO Syllabus 2023 as of now. The organization will soon upload the IB JIO Syllabus 2023 PDF. The candidates will be able to get the detailed Intelligence Bureau JIO Syllabus here after the disclosure officially.
IB Recruitment 2023 Sarkari Result
The IB Recruitment 2023 Sarkari Result is out for 797 vacancies on its official website. This article contains all the details of the IB Recruitment 2023 Free Job Alert in a detailed form. Aspirants are advised to stay tuned with this article to get the latest updates regarding IB JIO Job 2023.
Q. When will IB JIO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online start?
Ans. The IB JIO Apply Online commenced on 03rd June 2023.
Q. How many posts are released for IB JIO?
Ans. 797 posts are announced for IB JIO.
Q. How can I download the IB JIO Notification 2023 PDF?
Ans. Download the IB JIO Notification 2023 PDF by clicking on the link available in the article.
Q. What is the full form of IB?
Ans. The full form of IB is Intelligence Bureau, the internal security and counter-intelligence agency of India works under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Q. What are the stages under IB JIO Recruitment 2023?
Ans. Intelligence Bureau will organize the Written Test, Skill Test & Interview to select the JIO-II/Tech Officers.
Q. When will IB JIO Apply Online 2023 end?
Ans. The IB JIO Apply Online will end on 23 June 2023.
Q. Can girls join IB?
Ans. Yes, girls can also join IB at various positions.
Q. Is IB JIO a tough job?
Ans. IB is a secret agency for investigation. It’s a challenging and responsible job.
Q. Is IB a permanent job?
Ans. Yes, IB is a fully permanent government job.
Q. When was Intelligence Bureau founded?
Ans. The Intelligence Bureau was founded in 1887.
Q. Is IB JIO a gazetted officer?
Ans. No, IB JIO is a Group-‘C’ (Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial) post.
Q. How can I join IB?
Ans. You can join IB through the direct recruitment drive conducted for various posts like JIO, ACIO, etc.
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi published a short notification regarding postponement of CCRAS Recruitment 2023 to fill up 595 Group A, B & C vacancies. As per official notice issued on 29th May 2023, the CCRAS Recruitment 2023 for various positions including Research Officer, Staff Nurse, Medical Lab Technologist, Stenographer, UDC, Translator, LDC, Lab Attendant, Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS), etc. gets postponed due to some administrative reasons. The fresh dates for CCRAS Notification and Apply Online will be announced on the official website of the CCRAS
CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Postponed Notice 2023
CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Out
Ministry of AYUSH announced the CCRAS Recruitment 2023 for 595 various posts. The application process for Ministry of AYUSH CCRAS Recruitment will start on 01st June 2023 and the candidates will be allowed to apply online till 30th June 2023 (postponed). Applicants will be selected through written test, skill test or interview as per the Ministry of AYUSH Recruitment 2023 rules and regulations. The aspirants who are interested in CCRAS Recruitment 2023 can check all the important details like notification, vacancy, important dates, eligibility, selection process, CCRAS Salary, etc. provided below.
CCRAS, Ministry of AYUSH is looking to recruit various Group A, B and C vacancies on 595 vacant positions. The CCRAS Vacancy 4 2023 details is given below:
Organization Name
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS)
Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences published the latest notification 595 Group A, B, and C Posts including the Research Officer, Staff Nurse, Medical Lab Technologist, Stenographer, UDC, Translator, LDC, Lab Attendant, Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS), and others. The candidates must read the CCRAS Notification 2023 PDF before applying to know all the basic details regarding CCRAS Vacancy for bams 2023. Click on the direct link attached here to download the CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Notification.
According to official CCRAS Notification 2023, there are 595 job openings are notified for Group A, B and C posts. The post-wise CCRAS Vacancy bifurcation is given in the table shown below:
With the disclose the CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Short Advertisement, candidates are willing to apply for such a bumper job openings. The authority will activate the apply online Link for 595 vacancies on 01 June 2023 (postponed). The aspirants can apply online for CCRAS Staff Nurse Vacancy 2023 and check CCRAS recruitment rules using the below link without visiting the official portal.
CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Apply Online (Link is Inactive)
CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria
The aspirants who are wishing to apply for CCRAS Research Officer Recruitment and other posts must attain the required qualification as mentioned under the official notification. The CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Eligibility Criteria 2023 is given below for the ease of applicants:
CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Educational Qualification
Candidates should have 10th, 12th, Diploma, Degree, Post Graduation in the related discipline from a Government recognized University or Institution.
CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Age Limit
The applicants must complete the 18 years of age to apply for CCRAS Recruitment 2023. The CCRAS Age Limit details will be updated soon.
CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Selection Process
The selection process of 2023 CCRAS Recruitment includes the stages given below:
Written Test
Skill Test/Interview
Document Verification
Medical Examination
Steps to Apply Online for Recruitment 2023
To apply for recruitment 2023, follow the below provided steps:
Visit the official website of CCRAS
Download the CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF (Advt. No. 04/2023)
Read all the details and instructions carefully.
Click on the CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Apply Online Link.
Make Online Registration on CCRAS Job Portal by giving the basic information.
Now, fill out the CCRAS Online Application Form carefully.
Upload the essential documents.
Pay Application Fees for CCRAS Recruitment 2023 (through online mode using debit/credit card, net banking, etc.)
Submit the filled Application Form and take a printout for future use.
CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Application Fees
The category-wise application fees for CCRAS Recruitment 2023 is as follows:
Application Fees
Update Soon
Update Soon
CCRAS Recruitment 2023: FAQs
Q. When did CCRAS Recruitment 2023 Notification released?
Ans. The short notification for CCRAS Recruitment 2023 has been released on 17th May 2023.
Q. How many vacancies are announced under CCRAS Recruitment 2023?
Ans. CCRAS Recruitment 2023 is out for 595 Group A, B, and C vacancies.
Q. When will CCRAS Online Application 2023 begin?
Ans. The CCRAS apply online will start on 01st June 2023 (postponed).
Q. What is the full form of CCRAS?
Ans. The full form of CCRAS is Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences.
Q. What is the CCRAS Recruitment 2023 selection process?
Ans. Selection of candidates for CCRAS Recruitment will be done based on written test, skill test followed by document verification.
Q. CCRAS comes under which Ministry?
Ans. CCRAS comes under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.
Q. How to apply for CCRAS Recruitment 2023?
Ans. The direct link for CCRAS Recruitment 2023 is mentioned in the article.
Q. When will CCRAS Detailed Notification PDF disclosed?
Ans. The detailed notification Pdf for CCRAS will be published on 01 June 2023 (postponed).
Q. What is the last date of CCRAS Recruitment 2023?
Ans. The last date to apply for CCRAS Recruitment 2023 is 30 June 2023 (postponed).
National Jute Board, a statutory autonomous organization under Ministry of Textiles, Govt. of India released the notification for Young Professionals Recruitment 2023 on 10 vacancies on a fixed-term basis.
The Jute Board has already started the application process for National Jute Board Recruitment 2023 and the candidates may apply till 05th June 2023. Read the article for more information on National Jute Board Recruitment.
NJB Recruitment 2023
National Jute Board has announced the NJB Recruitment 2023 to hire Young Professionals on a contractual basis. The aspirants interested in recruitment can apply directly with the help of below link.
The NJB Recruitment 2023 for Young Professional details are provided below. The applicants can understand all the details related to Jute Board of India Recruitment 2023 discussed in this post.
National Jute Board Recruitment
National Jute Board Recruitment is done for filling 10 positions of Young Professionals. The National Jute Board Application will end on 05 June 2023. The complete information related to National Jute Board Recruitment is given in this article. Candidates must go through this post for getting brief details on NJB Young Professionals Recruitment 2023.
National Jute Board Recruitment 2023 Highlights
The National Jute Board Young Professionals Recruitment 2023 important details are mentioned below:
Recruitment Board
National Jute Board
Name of Post
Young Professionals
Last Date of Application
05th June 2023
Job Location
West Bengal
Selection Process
Job Type
National Jute Board Recruitment 2023 Official Website
https://www.jute com
National Jute Board Notification 2023 PDF
The National Jute Board Notification 2023 PDF for Young Professionals has been released on its official website. Candidates must follow the below link to download the National Jute Board Notification 2023.
The National Jute Board Vacancy Details are given below:
Post Name
Young Professionals
Indian Jute Board Recruitment 2023 Application Form
The application process for National Jute Board Vacancy 2023 has been commenced on its official website. Interested candidates can apply through the below link.
Indian Space Research Organization/Department of Space is looking to appoint the eligible professionals on Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ position through ISRO Recruitment 2023. The organization published an official notification for ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment 2023 on 25 May 2023 at its official website for filling 303 vacant seats under Electronics, Mechanical, Computer Science, and other disciplines. The selected aspirants will be appointed as Scientist/Engineer ‘SC’ in Pay Level 10 will entitle to get minimum basic pay of ₹.56,100/- Per Month.
ISRO Scientist Recruitment 2023
ISRO Scientist/Engineer SC Recruitment 2023 has been announced by Indian Space Research Organization to fill up 303 vacancies. For ISRO Recruitment 2023, the online registration has already started on 25 May 2023 and the eligible candidates will be able to register themselves till 14 June 2023. Candidates who completed BE/B. Tech degree in the relevant stream/branch are eligible to register for ISRO Vacancy 2023.
The candidates are advised to read the ISRO Scientist Engineer Notification 2023 PDF carefully to get aware of all the basic details of the recruitment drive. You must refer to this article to understand the ISRO Scientist Recruitment 2023 Notification details such as important dates, eligibility, vacancy, selection process, etc.
ISRO Recruitment 2023 Notification for Scientist Engineer posts have been broadcasted on its official website The aspirants must read the full ISRO Scientist Notification 2023 to check whether they fit the eligibility criteria properly. The direct link for ISRO Scientist Engineer Notification PDF Download is provided below.
With the disclosure of ISRO Scientist Recruitment 2023 Advertisement, the online application has started on 25th May 2023. The desirous candidates will be able to apply online up to 14th June 2023. Click on the ISRO Recruitment 2023 Apply Online link for Scientist/Engineer posts.
ISRO notified 303 Scientist Engineer Vacancies under ISRO ICRB Notification 2023 PDF. Candidates must look the below section to check the post-wise vacancy details for ISRO Scientist/Engineer Jobs 2023:
Name of Post/Discipline
Scientist/Engineer (Electronics)
Scientist/Engineer (Mechanical)
Scientist/Engineer (Computer Science)
Scientist/Engineer (Electronics) – Autonomous Body – PRL
Scientist/Engineer (Computer Science) – Autonomous Body – PRL
Candidates aspiring to apply for ISRO Scientist Engineer Recruitment must attain the basic criteria given below including educational qualification and age limit:
Educational Qualification for ISRO Scientist/Engineer
Post Name
Essential Qualification
Scientist/Engineer (Electronics)
B.E. / B. Tech degree or equivalent in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Scientist/Engineer (Mechanical)
B.E. / B. Tech degree or equivalent in Mechanical Engineering
Scientist/Engineer (Computer Science)
B.E. / B. Tech degree or equivalent in Computer Science Engineering
Scientist/Engineer (Electronics) – Autonomous Body – PRL
B.E. / B. Tech degree or equivalent in Electronics & Communication Engineering
Scientist/Engineer (Computer Science) – Autonomous Body – PRL
B.E. / B. Tech degree or equivalent in Computer Science Engineering
Note: Candidates must possess above qualification with a minimum of 65% marks or CGPA 6.84/10 aggregate.
Age Limit for ISRO Scientist/Engineer
Candidates applying for ISRO Scientist/Engineer must not have age limit more than 28 Years as on the closing date of online application i.e. 14 June 2023.
Note: Central Govt. employees, Ex-Servicemen; Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India Norms.
ISRO Scientist/Engineer Recruitment 2023 Selection Process
The ISRO Scientist/Engineer Selection Process 2023 has been prescribed under ISRO Official Notification in a detailed form. According to ISRO Scientist Notification 2023, the selection of candidates for Scientist Engineer will be performed on the basis of stages discussed here:
Written Test
Personal Interview
Document Verification
Medical Examination
On the basis of performance of candidates in the written test, they will be shortlisted for an Interview round at a 1:5 ratio, with a minimum aggregate of 10 candidates. The panel of ISRO will prepare the final merit list, with a 50% weightage for each (written test & interview)..
ISRO Scientist Engineer Salary 2023
The candidates who will select under ISRO Recruitment 2023 for the post of Scientist/Engineer will entitle a salary of Level 10, according to 7th Pay Commission, ranges from ₹ 56,100/- to ₹ 1,77,500/-.
Air Force Common Admission Test or AFCAT is the most popular exam to become Officer in the Indian Air Force. It requires hard work, dedication, and right approach to crack with the highest score to fulfill the dream of aspirants. Here, we are going to discuss about How to Prepare for AFCAT Exam with useful preparation tips and tricks.
How to Crack AFCAT Exam
As we know, the application process for AFCAT 2 2023 is ongoing and it’s a right time to start the preparation for the same. The candidates can crack the AFCAT Exam 2023 with right strategy and planning. Candidates are advised to follow the AFCAT Preparation Tips discussed below to ace your preparation.
AFCAT 2023 Preparation Strategy
The candidates must follow the AFCAT 2023 Preparation Strategy discussed here to kick start their preparation in a right way. To prepare for AFCAT is a structure and dedicated plan to become Officer in such a prestigious organization to serve the nation. Candidates must check the AFCAT 2023 Preparation Plan given here.
AFCAT 2023 Preparation Tips
To prepare for the AFCAT (Air Force Common Admission Test) exam, you need to follow a strategic approach that includes both studying and practice. Check the AFCAT Preparation parameters given below to prepare effectively:
Understand the Syllabus & Exam Pattern
Candidates must familiarize themselves with the exam pattern and syllabus of the AFCAT Test. It consists of four sections viz. General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test. You should check the detailed syllabus and exam pattern to make your preparation plan accordingly.
Create an Effective Study Plan
The aspirants must design a study plan that carefully that covers all the topics from the prescribed syllabus. Give more time to weaker subjects and practice the questions more and more to improve your speed and accuracy.
Choose Relevant Study Material
The aspirants must choose the exam oriented study material designed as per the latest exam trends. You can follow the standard books, previous year question paper sets, and online resources (Youtube Videos, App Course, etc.).
General Awareness
Aspirants must stay updated with the current events of both national and international level. You can practice reading newspapers, magazines, and online news portals regularly for the same. Note down the important events, key facts, sports, science and technology, etc. from the daily news.
Verbal Ability in English
AFCAT aspirants should enhance their vocabulary by reading books, newspapers, and online content. Practice comprehension passages to improve your reading and comprehension skills. Also focus on grammar rules, idioms, and phrases. Solve previous years’ question papers to understand to built your concepts.
Students should strengthen their aptitude by practicing arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and basic statistics. Solve numerical problems from previous papers and practice numerical questions from any reference books.
Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test
Practice the variety of questions from verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, and logical reasoning. Make yourself familiar with the spatial reasoning and mental ability questions. Practice previous year papers and take mock tests to enhance your speed and accuracy.
Attempt Mock Tests
Time management plays a vital role during preparation phase to ace the preparation to next level. The candidates are suggested to attempt the mock tests on a regular basis to analyze their performance. It helps to figure out the strong and weaker topics and act as a reference to prepare further study plan.
Maintain Physical Health
Candidates preparing for AFCAT requires to meet physical fitness standards also. You should practice a regular exercise routine, focus on cardiovascular exercises, Yoga and work on body strength building tasks Ensure you should be physically sound as per the Air Force standards.
Revision is a Tool to Make Improvement
You should regularly revise the topics you have studied and attempt questions from all the sections properly. You can take the help of short notes and the e-books to revise the whole syllabus in a limited time.
Stay Positive & Motivated
The aspirants should stay positive and motivated during the preparation phase. You should not take stress in the preparation time. Be positive with your hard work and confident for your better performance.
How to Prepare for AFCAT: FAQs
Q. How should I start preparation for AFCAT?
Ans. First you should show the syllabus and exam pattern and then plan your strategy to prepare effectively.
Q. Is 60% marks necessary for AFCAT?
Ans. Yes, Candidates must have a minimum of 60% marks each in Maths and Physics up to 12th level and also in Graduation.
Q. Is 3 months sufficient to crack the AFCAT Exam?
Ans. Yes, you cand crack the AFCAT Exam in 3 months with right approach, hard work and dedicated study plan.
Q. What is the minimum marks required to qualify AFCAT?
Ans. Candidates required to score between 140 to 190 marks out of 300 to qualify the AFCAT Exam.
Q. Can I crack AFCAT Exam in first attempt?
Ans. Yes, you need to follow the best preparation tips and do proper hard work to crack the AFCAT Exam in first attempt.
The full form of AFCAT is Air Force Common Admission Test. AFCAT is a competitive examination conducted twice a year by the Indian Air Force (IAF) for the recruitment of officers in the Flying, Ground Duty (Technical), and Ground Duty (Non-Technical) branches. It’s a dream examination for Graduates to serve in Indian Air Force as Officers. The selection process of AFCAT includes a written examination, followed by the Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) test, which consists of various tests like Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test, Psychological Test, Group Tests, and Personal Interview.
Know About AFCAT Exam
AFCAT Exam is hosted by Indian Air Force to recruit the Officers in its different departments and disciplines. AFCAT exam assesses candidates’ knowledge, skills in various subjects such as English, General Awareness, Numerical Ability, Reasoning, and Military Aptitude. The test aims to evaluate a candidate’s suitability for serving in the Indian Air Force.
Candidates who clear the AFCAT written test are eligible to undergo further selection stages, including the Air Force Selection Board (AFSB) personal interview, medical examination, and document verification. The final selection in AFCAT will be made based on the candidate’s performance in all these stages.
After final shortlisting, candidates undergo training at the Air Force Academy, located in Dundigal, Hyderabad. The training duration depend on the branch opted by the candidates – Flying, Technical, or Non-Technical.
AFCAT provides an opportunity for individuals to join the Indian Air Force as commissioned officers and serve in various challenging and rewarding roles in the defense sector. It’s a very decent entry-level position in the Indian Air Force which offers a lucrative salary and career growth.
Q. Who conducts AFCAT?
Ans. AFCAT is conducted by Indian Air Force.
Q. What is the full form of AFCAT?
Ans. The full form of AFCAT is Air Force Common Admission Test.
Q. Is there interview in AFCAT Exam?
Ans. Yes, there is a AFSB interview in AFCAT Exam.
After completing 12th Class, many students plan to choose the best career opportunity to full their dream. There are numerous courses offered after the 12th Class in various colleges and institutions of the country. The students need to opt the course as per their interest, skills and future goals. We have discussed the list of important popular courses to help the students:
Engineering (BE/B. Tech): Engineering is one of the most popular career options for students who have completed 12th class with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. This course involves the study of designing, developing, and testing various types of machines, structures, and systems. It offers various job opportunities to candidates in Government as well as private sector.
Medical: If you have a passion for science and a desire to help people, then a career in medicine might be a great choice for you. You can become a doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional after completing Diploma/Degree in the respective disciplines.
Management: Management is another popular course among students who want to establish their career in this domain. It involves managing people, resources, and projects in various organizations/firms.
Law: If you have strong analytical and communication skills, then a career in law might be a good fit for you. You can become a lawyer, legal assistant, or other legal professional.
Design: If you have a creative side, then a career in design might be a good option for you. You can become a graphic designer, fashion designer, interior designer, or product designer.
Commerce: Commerce is a popular career option for students who are interested in finance, accounting, and business. You can become an accountant, financial analyst, or business executive.
Information Technology: Information Technology is a growing field nowadays offering wide range of career opportunities. You can become a software developer, network administrator, or cybersecurity specialist.
Journalism and Mass Communication: If you have a passion for writing, speaking, and storytelling, then a career in journalism or mass communication might be a good option for you.
These are just a few examples of the career options available after the 12th class. It’s important to do your research, talk to experts in the field, and consider your interests and skills when deciding about your career. Stay tuned with us to get further information on careers, job updates, etc.